Pure CSS image Hover Effect


Hey friends today in this blog you'll learn how to create an image lightbox with some overlay effect using HTML and CSS only .

In this project (Pure CSS image Hover Effect), as you can see in the preview image, there is an image with some white background at the back of that image.

When you hover around the image the image zooms in and blurs with a cool sliding dark effect. If user then remove cursor from the image, then it returns back to as it was before.

Video Tutorial | Pure CSS image Hover Effect

In this video you've seen the demo of the Image Hover Effect and how I created it using HTML and CSS only.

Pure CSS image Hover Effect | Source Code

To create this project this program [Pure CSS image Hover Effect] you'll need to create three Files: HTML CSS and JavaScript after creating those files then you can start creating this project. 

Or you can download code files by clicking the download button below.

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