TikTok Clone usingg HTML CSS & JavaScript


Hello my wonderful friends, how are you all doing today, today in this blog we are going to be learning how to create this awesome TikTok app using HTML CSS & JavaScript. as always before we dive into the source code let me explain what this app does and how to implement this idea in making a cool version of this. As above in the image preview, we can see we have our normal TikTok content, the header which shows our Following and our For-You-Page, now below that we have our video tab which shows the video playing as you know on the default TikTok app,  now this is different from the default app because I disabled the scrolling effect, now we can change our video using the arrow icon that you can also see above, this icon changes the video between forward and backward a user can go forward in the video, or if he misses a video he/she can choose to go back.

Now the Concept behind making this

I have used JavaScript and index path and created an array to store all the videos

here's an example of what I'm talking about

let arrays = [
        path: "videos/random_video2.mp4"

Now that you have seen an example of what storing a file in an array looks like let's now look into the video of this project

TikTok Clone using HTML CSS & JavaScript[Video Tutorial]

Now with this video, I'm sure you have understood the basics behind creating this program for those of you still finding it difficult I'll be linking the source code in the description for you.

TikTok Clone using HTML CSS & JavaScript[Source Code]




That's all now you've successfully created this TikTok App with using HTML CSS & JavaScript, If you faced difficulty understanding or copying the source code you can just download the source code file from the given download button, extract the file, and use it.

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