Working Search Engine using JavaScript


Hello Friends today in this blog I'll be showing you how to create a working Search Engine using HTML CSS and JavaScript.

In this program Working Search Engine as you can see in the image preview there is a card containing some items which includes some text, an icon and an input field. Now as you can see in the image preview we have a Google icon an input field, a search button and an error text, here you can see I haven't imputed my search query that's why we have this error you can see here if user doesn't fill out the field an error appears.

Video Tutorial of Working Search Engine in JavaScript

In this video I know you have seen the basic of this program and the concept behind creating it. If you want this to work first you have to create a form tag, an input tag and a button. Now these three has been created you have to copy search query from Google which I've shown you in this video and you'll have to paste that search query on the action tag of the form tag which you created them using get method to get user request, it should look something like this

<form action="search query" method="get">


 <input type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Search Query">


<button type="submit"></button> 

Note: It's not a must you have to copy search query from Google you can use YouTube or other sources to get your query request.

Working Search Engine in JavaScript [Source Codes] 

If you want to create this program "Working Search Engine",  you've create two HTML files and one JavaScript file after creating these files you can begin creating this program. Or you can download this source code file.

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