LoginForm and SignUpForm using HTML CSS & JavaScript


LoginForm & SignUp Form

Hello, friends today in this blog post we will be learning how to create this beautiful login and signup form using HTML CSS, and JavaScript, in this blog post login and signup form I will be teaching you how to create this beautiful form and how it can be used in your project or website.

What is a LoginForm? A login form is a form with different input fields whereby the user is supposed to fill and get signed into the website, for example, Google and Facebook after filling those forms you get signed into your account.

What is a Signup Form? Now a signup form is not the same thing as a login form I know most of you think they are the same thing since they are all forms but it's not the same, a signup form is a registration form, this form is used if the user doesn't have an account with that site like Google and Facebook if you don't have an account with those two brands you can't get account access.

How can I use this in my site/project? You can use this on your site like if I'm to create a login form for the valid users to get access to all source code on my site I can choose to do so, or a form where users fill to get attended to like a Covid form for example.

As you can see in the image preview on this blog post there are two tabs login and signup whichever tabs the user clicks on he/she gets directed quickly to that form. Now let's see the video of this project to better understand what I'm talking about.

Video Tutorial of LoginForm and SignUpForm using JavaScript

with this video I hope now you have a better understanding of how I created this login form and signup form, remember I have created two forms first the using JavaScript to change each form when the tab is clicked, and also if the tab is selected it will be colored as active, this is simple JavaScript which I trust you can make on your own after watching this video, I have also added a captcha box which is required to check if the user doesn't check this box form won't be submitted. For those friends still finding it difficult in making this I have listed all the source code files used in creating this project, you will find that below this.

LoginForm and SignUpForm using 
JavaScript [Source Code]

To create this login form and signup form. First, you need to create three Files: HTML, CSS & JavaScript File. After creating these files just paste the given codes into your file. You can also download the source code files of this login form and signup form from the given download button.




That's all now you've successfully created this LoginForm and SignUpForm. If you faced difficulty understanding or copying the source code you can just download the source code file from the given download button, extract the file, and use it.


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