Search Bar with Auto-complete Search Suggestion in JavaScript


Hey Friends today in this blog you'll learn how to create a Simple Search Bar with Auto-complete Suggestions using HTML CSS and JavaScript

A search box is a graphical UI element present in many websites. It works as the field for a query input or search term from the user to search and retrieve related information from the database.

Autocomplete is a pattern or feature used to display query suggestions and predict the rest of a word a user is typing.

In this program[Search Bar with Auto-complete Search Suggestion], there is a a search bar, when you type something on the search bar there a autocomplete box is shown that suggests several predictions of how your query could be completed means there are shown several suggestions related your query. If you're having difficulty understanding what I'm saying You can watch a full video tutorial on this program [Search Bar with Autocomplete].

Video Tutorial of Search Bar with Auto-complete Search Suggestion

In this video you have seen the Autocomplete Search Bar and how it has been created. At first the Autocomplete Box is hidden but at the time user enters his/her queries a suggestion show for the user to enter.

Note: only suggestion that are inside JavaScript arrays that are shown so to be able to show your own suggestions that you want you have to input it into the JavaScript database.

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Search Bar with Autocomplete [Source Codes]

To create this program Search Bar with Auto-complete Search Suggestion you need to create three files: HTML CSS and JavaScript files.

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