Detect Internet Connectivity using JavaScript


Hey friends, today in this blog you'll learn how to create a Toast Notification to Detect Internet Connectivity using HTML CSS & JavaScript I've shown you how to create many CSS designs including some Toast Notification but I haven't shown you how to create a Toast Notification to Detect Internet Connectivity but today in this blog I'll be showing you how to do that.

In this program [Detect Internet Connectivity], there is a page with minimal toast notification and it changes it's icon, color text according to the internet connection status as you can see in the preview image.

The concepts/codes behind creating this program is using window.navigator.onLine this method detects users internet connection status and tells user if he's online or offline but at first this program and concept of the code only show true or false, if user is online it states true and if user is offline it states false, this is it's default state, be sure that there are many methods behind this program but I prefer using this method because it's simple and easy to understand.

Video Tutorial of Detect Internet Connectivity

In this video, you have seen the demo of this program [Detect Internet Connectivity] and the code behind creating this program. I believe you've understood the basic codes and the concepts behind creating this program. If you have difficulties understanding what I was trying to say you can always watch the video again to get better understanding or you can contact me.

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Detect Internet Connectivity in JavaScript [Source Codes]

To create this program [Detect Internet Connectivity]. First you need to create three files: HTML CSS and JavaScript File. After creating this file then you can start coding this program. You can also download the source code files of this program from the given download button.

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