10 Awesome JavaScript Projects [JavaScript Examples]


Hey Friends, today in this blog you’ll see the 10 Best JavaScript Projects or Examples for Beginners.  I have created many blogs/videos on different JavaScript projects and in this blog, I have shown the 10 best projects out of them. If you want to view all JavaScript projects videos the click here to view the playlist on YouTube 

I believe you’ll love each project mentioned on this blog and these JavaScript projects will definitely help you improve or build your skills. Let’s start this list without wasting more time.

1. Responsive Contact Form - Validation Form

This is a contact form with a header saying Send us a message and on the bottom you will see an input where user is meant to fill his/her details correctly, if details are not filled correctly then form won't be submitted, at the bottom of the Input you'll see an error message stating user must fill each field correctly before form will be submitted.

2. Login Form Validation - Beginners Project

In this project Validation Login Form you'll see some input field with some error text stating user must fill out the form. If form isn't filled correctly then form can't be submitted.

3. Search Bar with Autocomplete Suggestions

In this project, there is a search bar and when you type something, there is shown a autocomplete box that suggests several predictions of how your query could be completed means there are shown several suggestions related to your query.

4. JavaScript Popup Modal Box

In this project you'll see a Modal Box with some text and a button, in this project the modal box has a timeout after 7sec the modal box will timeout and remain hidden, to view modal box again user has to click a view modal button.

5. Popup Share Modal

In this project Popup Share Modal you'll see a card containing some text and icons at first this modal box isn't visible, user will have to click the Share Modal button to view this card, at the bottom of the social media button you'll see an input field containing a link at the left hand side of this input field there is a link icon and at the right hand side of the input there is a copy button if user clicks the button it executes a command copying the user value in the input field.

6. Login Form with Input Database

In this project Login Form with Input Database you'll see a form with a header containing some text at the bottom of that we have three input fields. If user enters his/her details correctly an alert message will tell user the message has been sent successfully to the recipient, note that the recipient is who you want the message to send to so this will alert the recipient name you inputted.


7. Browse File Upload system

In this project Browse File Upload system you'll see a drag area box containing an upload icon with a text telling user No file chosen yet!, and at the bottom of that you'll see a browse file button. You can upload an image by clicking on the browse file button. When you click on the button, there is open a file window and you have to select one image file, after you selected it then it will appear in the drag area.

8. Detect Internet Connectivity using JavaScript

In this project Detect Internet Connectivity using JavaScript we have a Toast Notification indicating user's internet activity, which means it tells user if he's online or offline. 

In this program if user connects to his network this Toast Notification tells user if he/she is online, after user disconnects back from his network then it says user is offline.


9. Digital Clock using HTML CSS and JavaScript 

In this project Digital Clock you can see in the thumbnail of this video that it was currently 3:41:41 PM when I took this screenshot, this program matches with your computer time and works as a clock for your computer, you can watch videos to understand more of what I'm trying to explain here also download button below if you want source code.


10. Working Subscribe button using JavaScript 

In this project Working Subscribe button using JavaScript you can see at the top left corner there's a Toast Notification containing a logo, user's name and a subscribe text with a subscribe button at the bottom, if Subscribe button is being clicked another notification Popup telling user if he wants so subscribe, if user chooses yes then it directs him to where he'll subscribe automatically.

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