THE FULL JAVASCRIPT COURSE - 01 Introduction to JavaScript



Hey friends hope you are all doing good, today's post is going to be different as I walk you through the steps to be taken to become a master in JavaScript, this is going to be a full course on JavaScript.

Chapters for this Introduction:

01 What is JavaScript?

02 What can you do with JavaScript?

03 Where can we run JavaScript?

What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages — JavaScript can be used to add functions to your page for example adding a light theme and dark theme for your website, making a button hide when clicked, and adding a call notification each time user clicks the subscribe button on your page.

The average salary for a JavaScript developer is $110,490 per year

What can you do with JavaScript? JavaScript is mainly used for web-based applications and web browsers. But JavaScript is also used beyond the Web in software, servers, and embedded hardware controls. Here are some basic things JavaScript is used for:


1. Adding interactive behavior/functions to web pages

2. Creating web and mobile apps

3. Building web servers and developing server applications

4. Game development

Where can we run JavaScript? JavaScript codes are mainly run in your browser, and every browser has a JavaScript engine. To execute JavaScript in a browser you have two options — either put it inside a script element anywhere inside an HTML document or put it inside an external JavaScript file (with a . js extension) and then reference that file inside the HTML document using an empty script element with an src attribute.

Examples of our JavaScript engine? On chrome and firefox and other browsers, they all have a javascript engine which they run and execute javascript codes, Chrome the JavaScript engine is v8, while on Firefox it is called SpiderMonkey.

Now that we have covered the basics let's see how we can print out "Hello World" on our console.

To log on "Hello World" to our console we need to open our text editor, I use Vscode but whichever text editor you use it doesn't matter, now to log on "Hello World" we need to call the console function and use the log attribute now the log attribute is actually defining that we should showcase/print the text Hello World after we have called the console function and set the log attribute then open a bracket called parenthesis in JavaScript then open the double quote and enter the text which you would like to print remember to close the quote to terminate so we won't get an error also close the parenthesis so let JavaScript know you're done with that code. your code should look like this

console.log("Hello World");

the output would look like this

In the next step, we are going to see some examples of using JavaScript. Hope to see you at the next course.


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